

How Small Grants are Unlocking a New Wave of Healthcare Accessibility in Africa

Date and time


Event promotion includes date and time as well as an image of a pharmacy.


Private sector digital innovators offer new avenues to health products and services, but they often lack the funding and technical know-how to expand their reach. In 2024, LHSS, USAID's flagship initiative in integrated health systems strengthening, provided small grants and targeted technical support to Zuri Health, an award-winning Nigeria-based healthcare provider expanding their reach in Ghana, and MM Partners Logistics Ltd., a top ePharmacy provider in Uganda, helping expand access to family planning and essential health products through engagement with the private sector. 

During this webinar, the grantees will speak about how their digital innovations are changing the landscape of digital health and access to family planning in Ghana and Uganda. Grantees will discuss their digital solutions, how the small grant from LHSS helped expand their operations, and how digital innovation is unlocking a new wave of healthcare accessibility in Africa.  


  • Tenly Snow, Senior Solutions Strategist, Abt Global


  • Moustapha Mukasa, Founder and CEO, MM Partners Logistics Ltd., Uganda   

  • Ikechukwu Anoke, Founder and CEO, Zuri Health, Ghana




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