Regional COVID-19 Communications Strategy Kicks Off in Peru
On February 24-25, LHSS Peru conducted a workshop with five regional governments to develop a regional communication strategy to increase COVID-19 vaccination coverage. Authorities and officials from the health and education sectors of Arequipa, Madre de Dios, Moquegua, Puno and Tacna worked together to design a strategy to address coverage gaps, especially in those populations with lower rates of second and third doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Following the workshop, LHSS will continue collaboration with communications specialists from the five regions to build the macro regional communication strategy, anticipated end of March 2022. The strategy will define target groups, communication objectives and key messages, specific strategies for desired behavioral changes, media and communication spaces, as well as budget and financing sources, and monitoring & evaluation. In support of the effort, LHSS Peru has awarded a grant to a local organization to implement campaigns in Puno and Madre de Dios.